Tag Archives: price

The Problem With Podcast Pricing – Episode 221


If “how do I get more downloads and engagement” is the question I am asked most often, “how do I make money with my show” is a very close second.

When podcasters reach out to me for my complimentary podcast review and strategy session, I ask them a few questions to see where I might be able to help most. One question I ask is about the biggest struggle they are facing.

Some podcasters jump right to sponsorships. “How do I attract sponsors for my show?”

You need to understand that sponsorships and ads within your show will most likely NOT be your answer.

Let’s look at the facts.

According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, $257 million was spent on podcast advertising in 2017. This is up 116% from the $119 million spent in 2016.

Now, you are probably thinking, “Erik, I can surely get a share of that $257 million!”

In order to make serious money with sponsorships, you need a pretty sizable audience. Most podcasters simply are not in this stratosphere.

According to the same IAB study, Cost Per Thousand (CPM) is the dominant pricing model. 85% of those surveyed reported using this model. CPM defines the price of ads at a rate per one thousand listeners to an episode. This means a podcaster could charge $18 (or $25 depending on the ad) for every thousand listeners to an episode.

In a study by Entrepreneur.com, CPM for a 15-second pre-roll ad (beginning of the show) was $18 and CPM for a 60-second mid-roll ad (middle of the show) was $25.

If the CPM is $25, and you have 2,000 downloads per episode, you can charge $50 for each commercial ($25 x 2 “thousands”). If you include 4 advertisers per show, you are generating $200 per show. At 52 shows per year, you are earning $10,400 per year.

Now, $10k isn’t bad money. However, there are 3 problems with this strategy.

First, it takes a lot of work to land 4 clients to sponsor your show for the year.

Next, it clutters your podcast with a bunch of ads that your listeners probably don’t enjoy.

Finally, this also assumes you have 2,000 downloads per episode, which is roughly 10 times the median number reported by Libsyn.

There must be a better way to generate revenue with your podcast.

I was on a coaching call with Shane the other day. He is launching his third podcast and would like to make money with this one.

Shane intends to sell sponsors into his podcast and newsletter as the primary source of income. The difference between Shane’s model and the CPM model is his understanding of his audience.

When I explained the issues with the CPM model and sponsorships, Shane said, “Yeah, but I don’t accept the CPM model. I find great sponsors that want to reach my specific audience and charge them a price equal to the value.”

You see, the CPM model is adapted from radio. That medium reaches a broad audience. Hence the name broadcasting.

When a business advertises on radio, there is only a fraction of the audience that is ever interested in their product or service. Therefore, the value is determined by the return on investment.

With podcasting, you are reaching a niche audience with your show. Your listeners should have something in common. Therefore, they should be much more valuable than the broadcast audience, because most of them will be interested in the product or service you are advertising if you select the right sponsor.

Let’s say you host a podcast about weight loss. All of your listeners should have an interest in losing weight. I don’t know many skinny people who love a weight loss podcast.

If a business that sells green smoothie mix or a healthy food subscription is looking for marketing opportunities, your show would be a great vehicle. That business could reach a much more focused audience by being on your show rather than broadcasting. Only a portion of the radio audience would be interested in weight loss products.

If your audience is much stronger, and the business gets a better return on their investment, you should be able to charge more.

Your other choice is to create products or services of your own. We talked about ways to generate revenue with your podcast in “Episode 199 – Can You Make Money With Your Podcast“. You can download 6 ways to make money with your podcast here:


Do you need help with your podcast? You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.

Case Study: How To Set Your Price – Episode 119


Case Study: How To Set Your Price – Episode 119


Set Your Price

If you are like me, and many others in the online space, you struggle with pricing. You don’t want it to be too low and leave money on the table. On the other hand, you don’t want it to be too high and not make any sales.

So, where do you set the price?

Pricing is tricky. There is a lot of art to setting your price. Most is trial and error.

There really is no “correct” price. Price is determined by supply and demand. The price of anything is that point where a seller is willing and able to sell AND a buyer is willing and able to buy. It is a continuum.

If a seller is not making much money on a sale, she will focus on another area of business that is creating more profit. If she is a public speaker on self defense and earns $2,500 per speaking opportunity on the weekends, she is creating decent income.

If she then creates an online course teaching other women self-defense and creates sales of $3,000 per week with an hour of work online marketing the course, she may opt to do less speaking and more work online.

Her speaking gigs require her to find clients, travel to the location, give the presentation for an hour or two (depending on dinner and other presentations), possibly spend the night, travel home and miss time with her family. That is a lot to give up in order to make $2,500 when an hour a night on her schedule could earn $500 more.

People may be willing and able to buy her speaking at$2,500. However, she may not be willing to sell it for that. She may do a few speeches. It may just be less frequent. If her price increases to $5,000, the decision may be different.


When I began coaching podcasters, I came to that very problem. I was in that place so many entrepreneurs find themselves. A price needed to be set for my services.

What would podcasters be willing and able to pay that I would be willing to accept?

In this episode, I take you step-by-step through the process I took to set the pricing for my podcast coaching.

So, how do you set your price.


First, ask your customers what they will buy. This could be a survey of your list. You could simply study the market and determine what they are already buying. Find a few people that could use your help and ask five or ten of them.

Next, determine what problem you are solving for your audience. People buy benefits and solutions. People don’t buy mops. They buy clean floors. Solve a problem they know they have.

Then, price on value. Know what value you have to offer. Your experience, knowledge and ability all play into your value. This will determine why it should be you rather than anyone else.

You can now set a price by looking at the market and seeing what they charge. Buy a few similar products to see what is included if necessary. You want your price to be competitive, but not necessarily the cheapest.

Your price does not need to be less than everyone else. It should probably be more expensive than others in order to stand out. Make it a great value for the price to justify being at the top end.

If you tell your audience what to do, you can charge a low price. If you teach them how to do, you are able to set a mid-level price. When you do it for the, you can be at the high end.

To be at the top of the range, go all out and solve all of their problems. Be a full-service machine. Prove the value and then add a bit more.

Most importantly, have a sales process. Know how you will attract people to your process. Define how you will demonstrate your value and benefits. Give your audience a ton of value, then the opportunity to buy.

I am not guaranteeing you will make money. I am not promising you that you will get rich, or even make a dime for that matter. I do not know you or your abilities.

I am saying this process worked for me. You may find a few helpful tips here that could help you in some way.

If you show your visitors the value of your product or service while giving them more than they expected, there is a good chance they will buy.

As in my example, there are times when the price doesn’t make sense. This is when you need to review your process.

Is the issue the price tag as it was with my program at the beginning?

Does the roadblock appear due to the structure of the product or service as it did with my 12-week program rather than weekly calls?

Are your clients looking for a product or service tailored to their needs, like my calls ever other week?

Rather than launching your product to thousands of people at one time, launch to a few. See if they are interested at that price and value. Gather some feedback. Make adjustments. Launch again to a few more people.

As you adjust your sales process, you will find a spot where clients are willing and able to buy your product at a price you are willing and able to sell. If you are not selling enough, add more value or lower the price. If you are selling too much, raise the price.

Tinker until it feels right. There is no correct price. There is only a price with which you are comfortable and that pleases your audience.

See the info page for my coaching services HERE:


Do you need help with your podcast? E-mail me any time at Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com. Let’s see what we can do.

You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.