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How To Get More Listeners For Your Podcast – PTC Episode 181

How do I get more listeners? How do I grow podcast traffic? How do I create more engagement. How do I get more people to my website?
I hear those question quite often. It is a battle every marketer faces. How do I bring more customers in the door?
I knew the subject was a hot topic, because I see discussions everywhere. How many product launches have you seen that promise to teach you how to get more traffic?
In 1962, Time Magazine called David Ogilvy “the most sought-after wizard in today’s advertising industry.” David Ogilvy is quoted as saying, “Great marketing only makes a bad product fail faster.” Be careful what you wish for.
If we use the premise that great marketing simply makes a bad product fail faster, we first must make your product great. Then we can bring people to the party.
We are going to take a look at both steps to this process.
Let’s make your content engaging and memorable before we invite your prospects to the show. If you create a unique experience, your engagement will be much more effective when people come to the party.
When I first started programming radio stations, I failed. We didn’t win, because I didn’t create a unique, memorable experience for our listeners.
We were playing the best music at the time. Our on-air talent was solid and experienced. The station was at all of the concerts and bar events. We were checking all of the boxes that made great marketing.
There was only one problem. The content between the songs wasn’t entertaining. It was simply content.
When you listened to that station, there was no fear of missing out. We weren’t doing anything unique that you couldn’t get somewhere else. It was very pedestrian.
Fast forward 4 years when I was creating another brand new station. This time, we were going head-to-head with a radio station that had been in the market for 20 years. We had our work cut out for us. But this time, we would be unique and end up at number one.
The other station had been around forever and was very arrogant. They didn’t respect their listeners. They played average music. They were too lazy to be on the streets at the right events. Listeners couldn’t get on the air. The station also sounded old.
Our strategy with this station was to create a radio experience that made the listener feel like they had ownership in our station.
As we created the experience between the records, listeners would introduce our new music, so it sounded like friends turning other friends on to new music.
Our contests were centered around listener experiences. This allowed listeners to live vicariously through their friends.
Listeners hosted our countdown shows and gave shoutouts to their friends on the air all the time. The station truly felt like the listeners had input and control.
And it worked. After launching the station, we were number one in the market in 12 months. We did it by becoming unique.
Let’s discuss how you can become unique. Then, let’s discuss a few organic ways to get more listeners.
Start by creating your own style. Be you.
Don’t try to be somebody else. You are best at being you. Nobody can copy you or do it better than you can.
Create your own show structure. There are enough knockoffs. Just because every other podcast does the “lightning round” doesn’t mean you need to do a round as well.
Highlight your sense of humor. Why do your friends hang out with you? Let those characteristics come out on your show.
Tell stories that define your character. Telling stories will allow your listeners to get to know, like and trust you.
Discuss topics that interest you. You become interesting by being interested.
Remove the clichés from your dialogue. Words become clichés, because they are used too much.
Here is the definition of cliché: a trite, stereotyped expression; a sentence or phrase, usually expressing a popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse.
Clichés are words that have lost their originality. How can you be unique if you have lost your originality?
If you want to sound unique and original, replace your clichés with something fresh.
Avoid these top business clichés:
- Thinking outside of the box
- Win-win situation
- Giving 110%
- Best Practices
- Synergy
- Paradigm Shift
- Low-hanging fruit
- Push the envelope
- Take it to the next level
- A leading provider of…
When you use the same phrases used by everyone else, you become vanilla and unoriginal.
If you want to be unique, grab a thesaurus and find some new words.
What can you do on the show this week that hasn’t been done before?
Listen to Dave Jackson on his 400th episode of “School of Podcasting” where he was hi jacked by the Binky & The Wiz morning show. You won’t hear that on any other show.
Some loved it. Some hated it. Everyone that heard it remembered that episode.
Removing every flaw and sterilizing your show will not make it memorable.
Be audacious. Be adventuresome. Be creative. Be boisterous … sometimes. Be tender other times.
Do everything in a way that only you can do it.
Brainstorm until you have something exciting.
People do not buy products. They buy what the product can do for them.
You don’t go to a restaurant to buy a steak. You go the restaurant, because you’re hungry and want one of your favorite dishes. You want that tender piece of meat that you can cut with a butter knife. The one that will just melt in your mouth, because it is the best steak around. It is cooked perfectly.
You are not rushing into the restaurant because the cow was corn-fed and aged to perfection. Who cares. Those are attributes, not benefits.
Does it taste great? Will it fill me up? Does it remind me of the great family dinners we used to have when I was a kid? I’m in. Those are the benefits.
Sell the sizzle, not the steak.
Apple does this really well. When you hear a commercial for Apple, it is about the experience and why they do what they do.
Other computer companies tell you all about the features. Their dual-core processors and RAM. I don’t even know what that means. I just want to be cool like my friends with the iPhone Ten or X or whatever it is.
Now that we have a great product, how to we get more listeners?
Sure you could buy all of those expensive products or a bunch of Facebook ads. I’m sure they work.
There is an easier way. And, it is free.
Get more listeners by getting involved.
How many podcasts do you listen to that beg you to get involved with the show? Email us. Leave us a voicemail. Post on our Facebook page. Find us on Twitter. Don’t forget that we have a Speakpipe link on the website. Use a carrier pigeon. There are a million ways. Everyone wants engagement.
When you reach out and engage with others, they include you on the show. This does two things.
First, it puts you in front of the audience of that podcast. That could bring a new audience to your show.
Second, through the Law of Reciprocity, the host of the show may be more inclined to engage with your show. A little thank you gesture. What goes around comes around.
Reciprocity in social psychology refers to responding to a positive action with another positive action, rewarding kind actions. When you do something nice for someone, they feel inclined to do something nice for you in return.
Gary Vaynerchuk spends an great deal of time discussing this in his book “Crush It“. It is a great book that I highly recommend.
Gary basically says, “Put your stuff out there. Then, go engage with everyone else.” Be seen. Meet people where THEY live.
Then, be patient.
You won’t get 100,000 listeners immediately. Grow slowly. Adjust and get it right as you progress. Build the foundation.
As Gary says, “Do it again, and again, and again, and again.” Keep engaging. They will come. It only takes your time.
Schedule 30 minutes a day to interact with your audience where they are. You will eventually build the traffic you desire and get more listeners.
I’d love to help you with your podcast. E-mail any questions or comments you might have to Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com.
You can also find tools to help you create great content at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com.
Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.