Category Archives: Audience Target

Is That The Right Measurement? …

Is that the right measurement?

(photo by bartekwardziak)

Many podcasters and bloggers measure their success by the number of downloads of, or visits to, their material. Unless you are blogging or podcasting simply as a hobby, this is a mistake. Downloads and visits really don’t move the needle for you. They don’t generate revenue or move your product.

You need to figure out what you want your audience to do and how you measure it? What is your call-to-action? Maybe you want them to visit your website. Maybe you want them to buy your product. Maybe you want them to donate to your cause. Determine the call-to-action.

Once you figure out what you want your audience to do, you will then know what to measure. It may be visitors to a specific URL on your website. It could be units sold. You can easily measure the donations to your cause. All three of those events move the needle. Those are the things you should be measuring.

What are you measuring?

— I’d love to help you with your podcast. Post any questions or comments you might have, or e-mail me at Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.

Find your call-to-action. Is that the right measurement?

Narrow Your Target and Focus

I was listening to The Podcast Answer Man ( the other day. He made a great point. He described his audience as podcasters who are serious about the quality of their show and serious about turning their podcast into a business.

He admits that even though he has many hobbyists listening to the show on a regular basis, his show isn’t necessarily targeted toward them. His show is for the serious podcaster.

Your target audience for your show should be just as clearly defined.