Tag Archives: connect

Building Your Email List With Christine Bennet-Clark – PTC 350


It is never too early to start building your email list. As soon as you start your podcast, you should start building your list.


Many podcasters wait until they have an audience before they start the email list. There is no good reason to wait.

Just like your podcast, your emails won’t be perfect from the start. It is better to practice and refine with a smaller audience than blowing a first impression with a large list.

Starting early also gives you more time to nurture your list before you have something to offer. Take the time to build the relationship.

The list will also not explode to thousands over night. Just like your downloads, your email list will grow slowly and methodically with focused attention over time.


There are a few reasons you want to build an email list.

Your email list allows you an opportunity to communicate directly with your audience. With an e-mail list, you can show up in your listener’s email inbox with a few strokes of a keyboard.

Will your audience read every email? No. But, they will see every email. They will read the emails that are pertinent to them. Just seeing the email from you will keep you top-of-mind with your listeners.

Being top-of-mind is important when it comes time to take action. You want them to remember you. Communicate often and consistently.


Another benefit of email is you own the list, unlike social media. If the owners of the social platforms decide you did something they didn’t like, your list could disappear.

With an email list, you can move your contacts to any email platform you wish. Once your subscribers give you permission, you own the list.


By offering lead magnets, or free pieces of valuable content in exchange for their email address, you are building your relationship with your audience.

It is never too early to start building relationships. Lay the foundation before you being using your podcast to grow your business.


There are a variety of ways to build your list. Today, we talk with Christine Bennet-Clark about some of the best methods.

Christine Bennet-Clark has been a digital marketing educator and consultant for over ten years. She is the founder and owner of Digital Business Success, a best-selling author, an international speaker and the creator of Quiz Funnel Blueprint.

With a background in education and curriculum design, she is well positioned to help entrepreneurs create marketing funnels that convert.

I invited Christine on the show today, because she focuses on list building as a core business strategy. She trains and supports entrepreneurs to create lead generation quizzes to use in gift Giveaways and other marketing media.

Her VIP Week Group, Solo Intensives and 1-Day Boot Camps are well known as the place to go for in depth training that gets stuff done.

On this episode, Christine will help us discover which list-building tactic may work best for us. Enjoy the conversation.

You can get Christine’s list of 8 Top Email List Building Strategies at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/list.

Grab the checklist and begin building your email list today. It is never too early to start building relationships with email.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

Steps To Create New Podcast Relationships – Episode 160


Steps To Create New Podcast Relationships And Grow Your Audience – Episode 160

Create new podcast connections and relationships
Copyright: madpixblue / 123RF Stock Photo

In the recent weeks, I have really found a new energy. My productivity has increased in both my podcast and business. I believe this is all due to new relationships I have created in the mastermind I recently joined.

The mastermind was formed through connections I made as a member of Internet Business Mastery. (Find my affiliate link HERE.)

These three guys are in online business, but completely different niches than me. They hold me accountable and push me to succeed. It has been a great experience.

Over the next few episodes, we will dive deep into the process of creating new relationships.

This week, I want to help you develop new relationships. Though I have found the experience very helpful, your new connections do not need to include a mastermind.

In the next episode, we will discuss making connections at events.

The third episode of the series will involve masterminds and a list of listeners’ favorite podcasting events.


If you are interested in getting connected to like-minded people in a mastermind, e-mail me. I’ll try to connect as many as I can.


Let’s talk about the five steps to create new relationships.

1. Find New Relationships

  • Get involved with Facebook groups by answering questions
  • Join podcast memberships, like Podcasters Society (of which I am a mentor) and School of Podcasting (led by Dave Jackson, with whom I occasionally partner)
  • Network at conferences
  • Ask your interview guests
  • E-mail hosts of complimentary podcasts that are not in the Top 10 or “On Fire”
  • Invite your listeners to chat and ask them
  • Interact on blog posts
  • Form a mastermind with people from other industries, both in person and online
  • Ask your vendors or suppliers
  • Connect with your customers

2. Make Contact

Introduce yourself with “I help _(niche)_ do _(talent)_ so that _(benefit)_.”
Send an e-mail with, “I find your business/podcast/product interesting. I would like to learn more about it and see if there are ways we might help each other. Would you have 30 minutes for a phone call?”

3. Find Ways To Help Each Other

Use the abundance mentality. There isn’t one pie that needs to be divided between everyone. There is a flame that can be shared an unlimited number of times. That is the power of an idea.

4. Stay In Contact And Give

  • If it isn’t on your calendar, it will not happen
  • Find reasons to make contact with your new friend, and schedule that contact
  • Share useful articles
  • Share affiliate opportunities
  • Wish them happy birthday
  • Ask if they are attending conferences you are attending
  • Interact in their groups – Everyone is looking for engagement

5. Create mastermind groups

  • When you find the right 3 or 4 people, create a mastermind group
  • Find people with different backgrounds and perspectives
  • Give the group structure
  • Shape it in a way that will help everyone
  • Check out Dan Miller’s mastermind course HERE.

Do you need help with your podcast? E-mail me any time at Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com. Let’s see what we can do.

You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.