Tag Archives: conversation

How To Improve Your Next Podcast Interview – PTC 340


On this episode, I want to teach you how to create powerful podcast interviews like the pros. There are a few adjustments you can make to create a better interview.


There are many reasons we interview guests on our podcasts.

  • They are content experts
  • They know more than we do
  • Guests add depth to the conversation
  • Interviews can expose your show to others
  • Interviews can cross-promote your products
  • Guests add additional content to your show

If you are like me when I started, you probably feel a bit overwhelmed. I felt like I was a kid playing dress-up. Did I really belong with the professional interviewers? I wasn’t big time. Impostor syndrome was definitely kicking in.

You can learn how to be be more confident and create a better interview.

  • We can avoid making fools of ourselves
  • You can battle the impostor syndrome
  • We can look smarter by surrounding ourselves with smarter people

With just a few adjustments, you can take your podcast interview to a whole new level. Here are 7 tweaks you can make this week to deliver a better interview.


1. You give their bio, not the guest.

When you open the episode, it is your responsibility to provide your audience with the background of your guest. You know what the audience needs.

Your guest is not familiar with your ideal target listener. The guest doesn’t know what your audience needs to know to put the conversation in context.

If you start the questions with “tell us a little about yourself”, you guest has no idea where to start. She might begin with growing up in a small town and working in her mom’s store. What does this have to do with your show?

Introduce your guest with the details your audience needs to understand how the conversation will benefit them. Give your audience a reason to listen. Why did you invite your guest on the show? Begin there.


2. Avoid the standard questions.

If you want your interviews to stand out, ask unique questions. Avoid all of the standard questions every other interviewer asks.

There are times when the guest will send you a list of potential questions. When you follow the script, you become common.

Use those questions to create some great questions of your own. Standard questions result in standard answers. If you want a better interview, ask better questions.


3. Set up the question and then ask.

Last week I made a trek to pick up my daughter from college and bring her home for the summer. On that 3-day drive, we were able to listen to quite a few podcasts.

On one particular show, the host was interviewing a former wrestling star. The host is a big wrestling fan.

Each time the host would ask a question, he would follow it with a bunch of framing. He would ask something like, “How do you find places to hold your seminars?” It was a solid question for the interview. Unfortunately, he followed it with a bunch of examples and what he would do to find speaking opportunities.

When you follow your question with a bunch of framing, your guest forgets the question. Your listener forgets, too.

Set up the question. Tell a little of your story. Then end with the question.


4. A little of you and a lot of them.

That brings us to the fourth tip. Tell your story, but only a little bit.

This is a fine line. You want to demonstrate a little of your authority. But, you want to make your guest the star.

Give a little bit of yourself. This should only be 2 or 3 sentences. Your story could be part of your framing.

Shine the spotlight on your guest. When they look good, you look good.


5. Listen to the answers and ask great follow-up questions.

So many podcasters are too concerned with their list of questions. They want to get through each question on their sheet.

Stop worrying about your list and listen to the answers. When you listen, you will come up with great follow-up questions. That is where the magic lies.

You really only need a few great questions. Use follow-up questions and you have a better interview.


6. No yes/no questions.

The sixth tip … You want to avoid yes/no questions.

Questions that can be answered with yes or no, or can be answered with one or two words, the momentum of your interview dies. The conversation comes to a screeching halt.

As open-ended questions that allow your guest to elaborate.


7. Get your guests to tell stories.

That leads into the final tip. Get your guest to tell stories.

Everything interesting is about people. When your guest tells stories, you develop a plot. It’s a beginning, middle and end. Your interview becomes engaging.

When your guest tells stories, your listener gets emotionally involved. As humans, we have learned through stories for centuries.

Stories will transform your interviews in a powerful way. You will always have a better interview when you use stories.

Here is an episode of Podcast Talent Coach to help you with your stories: SECRETS TO AN EFFECTIVE PODCAST INTERVIEW – PTC302.


If you want to supercharge your interviews, grab my 17 Ultimate Podcast Interview Questions. Get it at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/interview.

We interview to give more depth and voice to our content. The goal of these questions is to create inspiration and connection between the listener, the interviewee and you.

Your guests will begin telling you stories you haven’t heard them tell any other interviewer. You will hear things from your guests like “This was a really fun interview.” You will be unique and stand out from the crowd. 

It is my 17 Ultimate Podcast Interview Questions. Get it at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/interview and start building your better interview.

If you don’t have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

How To Land Podcast Interviews Like The Pros – Episode 143


How To Land Podcast Interviews Like The Pros – Episode 143

Copyright: macor / 123RF Stock Photo


Over the past few weeks, we have been discussing how to create powerful podcast interviews. We are off to a great start.


On the past two episodes, I asked for your questions regarding podcast interviews. Thank you for the tremendous response. This week, we will begin to go through those questions to get you some answers.

My goal is to eventually help you with a podcast interview course that will walk you through the entire process of creating powerful interviews. Your questions are helping me shape that course. Thank you for the amazing interaction.

If you have questions about podcast interviews, you can e-mail me anytime at Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com.


Before we dive into the questions this week, I want to let you know that I currently have two openings for my one-on-one coaching. One is Tuesday evenings. The other is Saturday mornings U.S. time zones.

If you have a desire to produce engaging content with a stronger presentation, consider improving your podcast with coaching. Get the full details here: PODCAST COACHING
Let’s dive into the questions …


From David Freeman …

I think my biggest concern, which you mentioned, is Imposter Syndrome and then closing the deal on scheduling an interview.

I took so much time in planning and pod-crastination that potential guests (50) may have forgotten that they agreed to a chat. (Too much time to learn the technology: You and I chatted on your show about my beginning process MORE THAN A YEAR AGO)!

MY QUESTION: How much Show Prep is TOO MUCH PREP?

Being totally nervous about asking for interviews, I wanted to answer EVERY POSSIBLE question and objection, upfront. I prepared a SUPER-detailed show prep sheet to send to potential guests.

After my first guest confirmed his interest in an interview chat for podcast and verifying his interest, in several chats on FaceBook, I sent him my “Super Cool Show Prep” form in a Google doc. I was able to see that he actually opened my doc on three separate occasions, but … no response, no reaction, no comment and no interview scheduled.

Based on his previous commitment, I had recorded and released an intro episode and mentioned his future visit as the upcoming launch episode. I guess the lesson is “don’t promo an interview that you haven’t already recorded”.

Thanks for all you do. I sincerely appreciate your podcast and advice.



Is it overkill? Yes. Your questionnaire is 11 pages long with multiple links.

Your guest has agreed to the interview. They have agreed to give you 30 minutes of their time. Now, you are asking them for another 30 minutes on a separate occasion to complete the document.

The questionnaire is asking too much of their time. That is evident by the fact that your guest opened it three times and did nothing with it.

Trim it down, and do your investigative homework to find out about your guest. For instance, you can probably find all of their social media info on their website. There is no need to include that on your worksheet.

Only provide the essential info in your pre-interview document. Address the rest on a case-by-case basis.

You are smart to avoid promoting anything that isn’t already done. There is always the possibility that the interview will fall through. Get it in the can, and then promote it.

It would be acceptable to says, “I’m trying to get Ms. X on the show.” Your listeners know there is a possibility that it will fall apart. They can go on that journey with you.

When you promote that Ms. X will be on the show in two weeks, you leave yourself open to disaster.

One thing I do love about your questionnaire is the “30 minute in-and-out guarantee” for your guests. It might be tough to get enough audio in 30 minutes for a great interview. However, your guarantee tells your guest exactly what is being asked of them.

Don’t let the prep hold you back. Jump in. If you want to learn the tech and get comfortable, do a few interviews with people that you know as a test run. Tell yourself that they won’t be published. You’re just practicing.

Get two or three under your belt, and you’ll be off and running.


From Joe Taylor …

Hey Erik,

How about providing tips on creating an intimate, conversational interview; one that feels like you’re listening in on two friends talking?

God Bless,
Joe Taylor


Conversation is key to a powerful podcast interview.

The key to creating a great conversation is listening. Stop being so concerned that you ask every question on your prep sheet. Truly listen to the answers your guest is providing.

When you listen to the answers, you begin to ask great follow-up questions just as you would if you were chatting with a friend. Your interview becomes more of a conversation and less of a question and answer session.

Relax and let the interview happen.

Don’t be afraid of the pregnant pause. The pregnant pause is that uncomfortable silence when both people stop talking.

When you allow the silence to linger, your guest will naturally begin talking again. They might give you details you wouldn’t otherwise get.

This silence allows you to come up with a great follow-up question. It also allows you to slow down and be conversational.

If all else fails, you can edit out the silence in post-production.


From Stephen Aiken …

I need help with getting interviews, when I send invites I don’t get any response.



Do not try to get interviews by cold calling.

My client John Livesay at the Successful Pitch Podcast helps entrepreneurs connect with and pitch their ideas to investors.

John helps entrepreneurs find the warm intro. The key is finding people who know the people you would like to meet.

Do the same with your interviews. Find the people who know the people you would like to interview. Ask for the connection. You can even write the e-mail for them. Or simply ask your friend for a reference, so you can mention them in your e-mail.

“Hey, Mike. Stephen Aiken passed along your contact info. He was recently on my show and thought you might make a good guest to discuss your new book. Would you have a few minutes to chat?”

Get the door open. Don’t ask to get married in the first e-mail. Open the line of communication. Warm up your lead.

At the end of every interview, after the conversation has ended, ask your guest if they have two or three people that might benefit by being a guest on your show. When they provide the names, ask if they would make an introduction for you or if you could use them as a reference when you reach out.
Do you need help with your podcast? E-mail me any time at Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com. Let’s see what we can do.

You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.