Tag Archives: plan

Your Podcast Strategy – PTC 360


How is your podcast strategy? Do you even have one?

Lots of podcasters struggle with finding constructive, intentional ways to get the word out about their show. The marketing stuff can get tricky.

Many podcasters I talk with would be happy to have enough downloads to get 2 or 4 coaching clients paying a fee. How do you bring a few listeners through the funnel?

Let’s look at your whole strategy today on this episode.


Before we jump into it, I want to invite you to a powerful event I am holding where I will help you build your podcast monetization strategy. We actually get stuff done in this day-long bootcamp.

So many times, we go to webinars hoping to learn something only to find out it is full of fluff. We might walk away with one or two ideas after an hour. But we are really only there for the sales pitch.

You now have a chance to join me for a 6-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will walk you through the entire process to build your podcast monetization strategy. It’s actually 7 hours, but you get an hour for lunch.

During this event, we will build a few ways to monetize your show that are perfect for you. This isn’t one size fits all. It is specific to your podcast.

You can enroll at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/bootcamp.

You will get a workbook that will help you stay on track as we develop your strategy. During the bootcamp, we walk through the workbook step-by-step.


We will start with your foundation to ensure you are building on solid ground. Then, we will develop your purpose. I’ll show you why most podcasts don’t make money, so you can avoid those pitfalls.

Many people think ads and sponsorships are the way to make money with your show. That is a myth. It is the worst way. Sponsorships require a very large audience and a lot of sales time. Ads also have a revenue ceiling.

I’ll show you a better way during the Podcast Profits Bootcamp. I won’t just show you, we will build it together. We will discuss the various ways you can monetize your show, and we will pick the strategy that is right for you.

Finally, you will have plenty of time to ask me questions to refine your strategy.

This is so much more than a webinar or workshop. It is a bootcamp where we will actually get things done.

Where most webinars last an hour, this is an all day event.


Registration for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp is $197 for this 6-hour bootcamp and your workbook. More importantly, you walk away with your monetization strategy for your show.

Right now, you can enroll for $197. Enroll now and secure your spot.

You can enroll at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/bootcamp.

If you are ready to build your podcast monetization strategy, the Podcast Profits Bootcamp is for you. You’ve spent enough time attending empty webinars and trying to find sponsors. Now is the time to build a real strategy.

Let’s sweeten the deal for you a little more. If you enroll in the Podcast Profits Bootcamp, you will also get a bonus prep call to get you ready for the event. This is where we help you gather all of the information and ideas you’ll need before the bootcamp begins.

Let’s get you registered for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp. Jump in right now at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/bootcamp.


As you build relationships with your content, start with the end in mind. This is where your strategy begins.

What do you want your listener to take away from this episode?

Decide what emotions do you want to stir?

What do you want your listener to do when the episode is over?

When you know those goals, your content will be easy to create.

On your podcast, stir emotion by talking about the “why” to your solution. Agitate the hopes, needs, fears and dreams of your listener.

Then, give your listener a little of your “what”. Let them engage with your coaching, courses or other offerings for the “how”.


Then, you need to determine your revenue goal.

You make money with your podcast, not from your podcast.

The podcast doesn’t generate any income. Ads are a lot of work with very little return.

To monetize your show, leverage the attention you have built to drive your business. How does the podcast fit into your overall marketing plan?

Start with the goal.

Your podcast is the top of your funnel. This is where you build the relationship with your prospective client.

So, what do you want them to do when the show is over?

Have one clear, concise call-to-action. Get them started on their journey with you.

This could be a free download, strategy call, webinar, or ask me anything session. Give them something in return for their name and email address.

Nurture the relationship, serve them well and move them through the sales journey.


When it comes to marketing, begin again with the end goal in mind. Intentionally build the marketing plan for your business.

I was looking at the calendar the other day and realized we are 8 weeks from New Year’s Eve.

The new year always brings new goal and a renewed energy to what we are doing.

Unfortunately, studies show that 60%-80% of people give up on their resolutions by the middle of February.

You’re probably saying, “Erik, we just finished Halloween! What’s all this resolution stuff?”

Well, I believe most people give up on their resolutions, because they don’t have a clear plan to achieve their goals.

Lose weight. Start my own business. Grow my podcast audience. Spend more time with my kids.

Those are all great. But, they are not specific and are not connected to a plan.

Now is the time to start planning. Create your strategy to reach those goals.

Spend the next 2 months getting things in place to execute your plan when the resolution kicks in.

A plan is something like go to the gym 3 times a week, appear on 2 other podcasts a week or have one-on-one time with each kid once a week.

That’s a plan.

If you build your strategy now, you will have a much better chance of reaching your goals.

On top of that, who says it needs to be January 1st to start working on a new goal?

Get after it.


In radio, we had a saying. Frequency to the target.

The first time a prospect hears your marketing message, it goes in one ear and out the other.

The second time, the message might start to sink in.

The third time, it might ring a bell in their memory.

When your prospect hears your message the fourth, fifth and sixth time, he might begin to remember it.

Therefore, you need to deliver your message to your prospect six or eight times prior to the moment he is making a buying decision.

You cannot try a marketing tactic once and decide if it works. It requires frequency to the target.

Don’t expect your audience to grow overnight. Your prospective listeners need to hear about your show multiple times before they will push play.

How many times have you said, “Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to listen to that podcast.”

It’s like snowfall. Mother Nature doesn’t make it snow for 3 minutes and then think, “Well, that didn’t work.”

It takes millions of little flakes over time to create a 5 foot drift.

As you work to grow your audience, be consistent.

Pick three marketing strategies. This could be other podcasts, appearing on summits and stages, social media, YouTube, partners, guest blogging or various other ways.

Select three that you enjoy and can do consistently.

Then, spend 30 minutes each day taking action on those vehicles to get in front of new potential listenes.

Over time, your audience grows.


Are you frustrated because your podcast makes no money?

So many podcasters come to me struggling to find a path to riches.

It is possible to monetize your podcast. However, you need to understand that it takes three things to make that happen.

  1. Something to sell
  2. A strategy to sell it using your podcast
  3. Patience

If you have those three things, you have a much better chance to use your podcast to build and grow a business.

If you are willing to put in the time and effort, good things will happen.


One of the most common questions from podcasters is, “How do I monetize my podcast?”

I’ve tried it all.

When I first started, I put everything I knew about building great shows into a comprehensive course. It was a masterpiece.

Then reality cracked me upside the head.

Nobody wants a comprehensive course. They want a focused solution to their problem.

To monetize your show, you must …

  • Have something to sell
  • Ask for the sale
  • Serve first
  • Find your listener’s true pain
  • Explain their transformation with your solution
  • Build rappport

As you develop something to sell, find what works for you. It should be something that …

  • You enjoy
  • People want (different than need)
  • You can deliver
  • Can scale


Those are the steps. If you would like my help crafting your monetization strategy, join me for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp.

Join me for a 6-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will walk you through the entire process to build your podcast monetization strategy. It’s actually 7 hours, but you get an hour for lunch.

During this event, we will build a few ways to monetize your show that are perfect for you. This isn’t one size fits all. It is specific to your podcast.

You can enroll at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/bootcamp.

You will get a workbook that will help you stay on track as we develop your strategy. During the bootcamp, we walk through the workbook step-by-step.

If you enroll in the Podcast Profits Bootcamp, You will also get a bonus prep call to get you ready for the event. This is where we help you gather all of the information and ideas you’ll need before the bootcamp begins.

Let’s get you registered for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp. Jump in right now at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/bootcamp.

Time Saving Podcast Production Tips – PTC 327


Is your podcast production eating your entire week? Do you feel like you edit and publish one episode only to start recording the next? On this episode, I want to help you streamline your process.

There are five steps to producing a show each week. Those are plan, record, edit, publish and promote. Then, repeat.

Today, I will show you how to save time in each of those areas to make you more efficient.


First, let me show you an option. You can always get someone to edit your show and do all of the dirty work for you.

How much time do you spend each week creating your podcast?

If you could cut your podcast production time in half, how could you better spend the time you save? You could spend time finding clients. Use the time to serve your clients better. Spend time creating more digital products to sell. Double down on your promotion time to grow your show.

Take the time you spend each week producing your show and cut it in half. Now, multiply that by four for the four weeks in the month. Dedicating those hours to revenue generation, how much money do you think you could make? Could you find a client or two to pay you a few hundred dollars to help them?

My team can produce your podcast every week for as little as $225 per month. Is that worth getting your time back?


The basic edit plan will make your show sound great. You record the episode and send the team your .mp3.

You get professional audio editing, including noise reduction, volume leveling, mixing and mastering. We will take care of adding your open and close. You get the finished .mp3 ready to be posted.

If you are repurposing your video as a podcast, you also get professional video editing with this package. This includes your YouTube thumbnail ready to be uploaded to your YouTube account.

Finally, you get an audiogram to help you promote your show.

All of this is just $225 each month for four completed episodes and videos.


If you want to step up a level and add a little coaching to your plan, the Plus level is for you.

At this level, you get everything in the basic package to edit your show. You also get a 60-minute group coaching call each month to help you produce a better podcast. You get to ask questions and get the help you need.

On top of that, my team will take care of your show notes. They will handle uploading your audio to your podcast host. They will also upload your video to your YouTube channel.

To help you promote at this level, you will also receive a captioned social media video to help you grow your audience and attract more clients.

The Plus package is $495 per month for four episodes and videos.


If you want to go all in, you need to check out the Premium package. This takes it all off of your hands.

With the Premium package, you get everything in the Basic and Plus packages. You also get a monthly, 30-minute, one-on-one coaching call with me. I will personally help you on your journey and overcome your struggles.

You also received advanced SEO-optimized show notes. This well help people find your podcast through organic search by ensuring the right keywords are included.

My team will also add timestamps to your episode along with the resources that you mention in the show. This will help your listeners find exactly what they want.

You will receive a custom blog header image for your episode. My team will also upload your show notes to your WordPress site. It is handled for you.

And to help you promote, you will receive a quote card taken from the episode. You can use this on social media to promote the episode and grow your audience. This also makes it easy for your guest to promote the show.

To have all of this done for you so you can spend your time growing your audience and building your business, and get one-on-one coaching with me to overcome your struggles, your investment is just $695 each month for four episodes and videos.

You can see each of these packages in detail and sign up to work with me and my team at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/editing.

Imagine what you could do with all of that time back. Let’s get started.


Now, if you decide to continue doing it on your own, find ways to save time.

It takes time to get ready to do each step. For instance when you are ready to record, it takes time to set up the gear, open the program, adjust your mic and headphones, find your production pieces, get in the right mindset, make sure you have some water and all of the other details.

On the surface, it doesn’t seem like a lot of time. I bet if you were to time the set up prep time and the time it takes you to shut it all down, you would be surprised that it is probably around 15 minutes.


Next time you are ready to record an episode, time it. Start the clock as soon as you decide to record the episode.

Let’s say at 2 you decide it’s time to head in and record. As soon as you get off the couch and start walking toward the mic, the clock starts. It stops as soon as you hit record.

As soon as you have saved the file and finished the session, start the clock again. It stops when you turn off the light and leave the room.

The total of those two periods is at least 15 minutes. Four episodes a month is costing you an hour in set up and tear down. If you record all four episodes in one session, you only set up and tear down once. You just saved 45 minutes in your month.

This is just one example. The more you can batch your work like this, the more time you will save.

Remember, you don’t have to do any of these steps at the same time. You don’t have to record and edit in the same sitting. You are better off recording four episodes at the same time and then editing all four at another time. Doing the same actions together is where you will save time.


Let’s start with planning your episode. Break up planning into four parts. Then, do each part for multiple episodes at the same time.

Find the time in your day and week when you are most creative. For some of us that is morning. Others do best at night. Some are better on a weekday at lunch. Others find their creative muse on Sunday mornings. Find your right time.

Step one is creating topics. Spend ten minutes brainstorming as many topics for your podcast as possible. Shoot for 50 different topics. What does your audience what to learn? If you interview guests, who can help you teach them that topic?

Step two is selecting your ideal five. Pick five of the 50 topics that you would like to build out as episodes. These could have a theme or they could stand alone. Your choice.

Step three is outlining each episode. For each topic, list three to seven points you could discuss on this topic.

Finally step four is adding important details to each point.

This episode is a perfect example. I am covering five areas where you can save time. That was the outline I started to build out. Each of the five areas have a few important details, like these four steps of planning.

Five episodes are now ready to be recorded. You don’t have to fight writer’s block trying to figure out what this week’s episode will be all about. Grab the outline and start recording. 


The next step in your process is recording. There are a few ways to save time when you record.

We already discussed the idea of saving set up and tear down time by recording multiple episodes at the same time. This is a big time saver.

You can also save time recording by setting up a studio that doesn’t need to be dismantled each time. This may be a cost issue or a lack of space. If you can swing it, removing the need to set up and tear down can make you more efficient.

Finally, you can save time recording interviews by preparing your guest ahead of time. I do not mean you should provide them the questions. Before your interview, you should give them a recording checklist to minimize the time it takes to troubleshoot their tech issues.


Editing is probably the area where you can save the most time. The first thing you should do is stop worrying about saying uh and um so much. Very few people notice. It is natural in most conversation.

Make it easy to locate your editing points. If there is something you know you want to edit out of your show, leave a short gap of five to ten seconds. This will allow you to visually find your edit.

Create a palate for your show. If there are things you use for each episode, such as your open and close, put those pieces in a place you can find quickly each time you edit. Create a system to organize your audio so you can easily find it.

Finally, create a checklist. This will allow you to know quickly which pieces need to be completed each and every time. You just follow the process.


When it comes to publishing your episode, what do you do each and every time that can be streamlined? I have created a template for my episode artwork. I can easily populate the template for each episode. It save a ton of time.

Create a show note template that you can fill in with the critical information your audience needs. Repurpose your show prep and outline for your show notes. Show notes take a lot of time.

Find ways to give your listener what she needs in your show notes without spending a full day on it. Ask yourself why a listener might come to your show notes in the first place. Put that in there. Then, add some content that will attract search engines.

To save time, create a process that is easy to follow.


When it comes to promoting your show, create a consistent way to promote your show. Don’t try to do everything. Do the things that will make a difference.

Use the 80/20 rule when it comes to promoting your show. If you get more listeners by appearing on other shows, spend your time there. If Twitter isn’t where your audience hangs out, don’t waste your time.

Take some time to list the 20% of your promotion activities that make up 80% of the results. Do those things and eliminate the others.


You can remove all of the editing headache from your weekly “to do” list and have my team help.

Let my team produce your podcast every week for as little as $225 per month. Get your time back.

You can see your editing options at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/editing.

Do you need help with your podcast? E-mail me any time at Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com. Let’s see what we can do.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.

The Podcast Revenue Roadmap – PTC281


Are you ready to take the information you share on your podcast and turn it into a product you can sell? Would you like to make a some money with your show, generate revenue and monetize all of that hard work.

Today, we are going to lay out the roadmap from your content creation to your monetization. Without a plan, it will be difficult to reach your goal.

Imagine being able to leverage all of that great content you are creating each week, use it to attract an audience and then have them buy your information product to help you generate some revenue. That’s the plan we will create today.


Last weekend, I attended a virtual event that changed my life. I know that sounds over the top. But, it’s true.

It was called JVX Live and was put on by the guys over at Joint Venture Insider Circle. The link is in the show notes at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/podcasts.

Have you ever met a person who showed you what is possible and exactly how to get there? You thought, “Wow! How did I not know about this?” That’s what happened.

Over the years, I have been climbing the hill step-by-step and learning a ton. At this event, it felt like I jumped on the learning gondola that supercharged my growth like you wouldn’t believe.

Here, I was surrounded by people who coach just like me. During the event, we would be split into small groups of 8 where we could talk about what we did and meet the other people. We were all looking for great business relationships.


Of the 300 people in attendance, I was eventually in small groups with about 80. Out of those 80, I found 40 that I personally spoke with who might make great affiliate and joint venture partners for me. It was fantastic.

We all shared ideas and helped each other grow. It was amazing. Now over the past week, I have been on the phone and Zoom calls talking with these people, learning so much and discovering how we might help each other.

The connections were so energizing. Every time I would tell someone I help coaches and experts demonstrate their expertise and attract their ideal clients with a podcast, they would say, “Oh, I have 3 or 4 people to introduce you to.”

The power of the collective mind is amazing. In addition to meeting and learning, I have found a ton of free resources for you that I will be sharing over the coming weeks. The sphere has just grown exponentially. And, you get to benefit from all of it. How great is that?

Before we get into creating your podcast revenue road map, I want to give you three incredible, free resources that are going to help you immensely in this journey. They are all at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/roadmap.


The first resource is my free guide “Six Ways To Make Money With A Free Podcast.” This guide will give you some great ideas along with a dozen examples.


The second is a free shopping cart. If you want to sell digital products online, you need a system that can be your checkout page and deliver the goods.

This is where I really struggled when I started. I didn’t understand the difference between your shopping cart and your payment processor. Your shopping cart is where people come to shop for your goods and buy them. The payment processor is like PayPal or Stripe. That is the system that actually processes the payment. You link the two together to sell your digital products.

Now, you can get this shopping cart for free. It is called GrooveSell and it has been developed by Mike Filsaime.

Mike is a digital marketer. He helped build Video Genesis, one of the first digital products I ever bought back in 2013. Over the years, he helped build WebinarJam, EverWebinar, Kartra and others. He is amazing.

He has now built an amazing shopping cart platform that rivals One Shopping Cart, Infusionsoft, Ontraport, Samcart and others. It even has affiliate systems built in that are similar to ClickBank and JVZoo.

GrooveSell is usually $99/month just like the others. However, he has given me an affiliate link that will allow you to get it for free for life.

What’s the catch? First, he wants to help a ton of people during this crazy time. So the offer is for a limited time. He also wants people to test drive the system and report any bugs. Mike wants to make sure it is perfect before his big rollout. You can help him and in return get the system for free.


The link for GrooveSell is also on the page at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/roadmap.

With GrooveSell, you get:

– Unlimited Products and Funnels

– Flexible Pricing Structures

– Powerful checkout options

– The most powerful Affiliate software on Earth

– Dynamic thank you pages

– Upsells, Downsells, and Order Bumps

– 1-Click Upsell

– Robust Integrations

– No Monthly Fees

– ZERO transactions fees

And, you can use your own PayPal, Stripe or other account.

There are other products Mike sells in the suite. However, this one is free for you with no “gotchas”. Check it out at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/roadmap.


The final opportunity is also free. It is a way for you to find partners to help you grow just like I did. Where my event last weekend was 3 days, this event is once per week for 2 hours. You get in small groups and see how you can help promote each other and grow. Make it on the weeks you can.

The group is call Collaboration Circle. It is free to join. You can find my referral link at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/roadmap.

Three great, free resources that will help you get on this path. Get them while you can.


Now, let’s talk about your own Podcast Revenue roadmap. We need to define your goals before these tools will help you get there. The key is to start with the end in mind and work our way back to build our roadmap.

Look into the crystal ball 12 months from today. Where would you like to be? How many downloads? What would you like to be selling and how much would you like to be making?


Now, let’s take those numbers and see if that is feasible.

Let’s say you would like 1,000 downloads per episode and making $100,000 per year. Some tasty numbers.

Where are you today? Maybe 120 downloads per episode and $0 as an example.

So, if we do the math we see we need to grow your downloads by 880, or about 17 new downloads each week. What can you do to find 20 new listeners this week while keeping the listeners you already have? That doesn’t sound so difficult. It just takes consistent action. 4 new listeners a day.

To hit $100,000, we also need to create $8,333 per month or about $1,925 per week. That might be a little more challenging. What can you offer your audience that they would buy?


Think of the things in your niche that you have purchased. Directories, lessons, software, books, accessories, tip sheets, apps, instructions, resource guides. If you are like me, you probably have a bookshelf or file on your computer full of them.

What could you create and sell at a reasonable price that your audience wants and needs? Digital products are the best. You do the work once and make the sale over and over again. No inventory. There is no additional production. Every new sale is almost pure profit.

If you could create a digital product that sells for $20, you would need to sell 97 per week to hit your $100k. That’s pretty steep.

What if you created a $100 course? Could you sell 19 of those per week? Still a pretty big hill. This is why you need to work backwards into your numbers. $100k sounds great. However, you need the audience to convert to sales.

Could you create a $497 group coaching program and enroll 2 people per week? Combine that with 6 sales of your $100 course and 20 copies of your $20 step-by-step guide. Now you’re talking $103,000 per year. Find your sweep spot and spend time there.


Once you have defined what your audience wants and needs to solve their problems, what free item could you give them to start them on their journey.

Ideally, each level builds on the previous level. Your lead magnet, or free piece of content, would be a small sliver of your digital product. It could be a free chapter of your book or one particular step of your process. This gets your listeners started on the path to see what is possible.

Lead magnets solve one specific problem. We talked about this in detail in episode 235. Check it out if you need help here.

Where you lead magnet gives your listener a taste, you $20 step-by-step guide shows them the full process and teaches them “what to do”.

Your digital product shows your listener “what to do”, your $100 course shows your listener “how to do it”.

The course is part of your group coaching. Your course shows them “how to do it”. Then, your coaching then helps people implement your how-to course.

It climbs the value ladder. Each rung of the ladder offers a higher level of help with a little higher price tag.


So, how does your podcast fit into all of this? Your content is the step right before the lead magnet.

On your podcast, teach your listener what is possible. Here, we are showing you what is possible with your show in terms of generating revenue.

It just like like me showing you what is possible with selling your digital products. Then, I send you to my website to get my “Six Ways To Make Money With a Free Podcast.” The lead magnet solves one specific problem. It helps you come up with a way digital product you can create and sell.

Start with the end in mind and work your way back to your content. Once you have the group coaching defined, turn that into a course. Peel off a piece to create a digital product. Use little pieces of the digital product for various lead magnets. Then, use each lead magnet for an episode.

If you talk about Jeeps, create a way for Jeep enthusiasts to find the best off-roading in every state.

Let’s say you talk teaching piano. Create a way to learn 3 of your favorite songs in 30 days.

If you talk genealogy, create a program that teaches people how to track their family tree and hold a huge family reunion.

Do you talk bullying? Create a program that teaches parents how to help their kids develop strong self confidence.

If you love music history, create an affiliate program that helps people visit the historic musical sites around the country.


Start creating your roadmap. Once you have your plan created, you will know exactly what you need to talk about on your show.

Get those free resources at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/roadmap.

Let’s get started today. Most importantly, enjoy the journey.

You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.



  • Links may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, I may make a commissions. However, I only recommend products and services I believe in and trust. Monetary numbers are examples only. No promises or guarantees are being made. Demonstration purposes only.

Your Episode Launch Checklist – PTC268



When it comes to creating engagement with your podcast, it all starts with the proper preparation. Before you even start recording the episode, you need to determine what you hope to accomplish. This can be accomplished with an episode launch checklist that will help you reach those goals.

The most important piece of your planning is what you will do with the material. How will you make it interesting and unique? Determine where your content will go and how it will create engagement.


There are twelve questions you should answer before you begin recording.

1. Why is it relevant?

2. How will they care?

3. What is the source?

4. How does source lend credibility?

My example: Steve Goldstein – Amplifi Media

5. What is intriguing?

6. What emotion will it stir?

7. In what context will it be set?

8. Where will the story go? What details will you use?

9. What will they remember?

10. Where will the conversation go next?

11. How will you market it?

12. Write the intriguing intro.

Answer these 12 questions before you record and launch the episode. It will help you reach your goals and create engagement.

I would be honored to help you shape your content. You can get a free strategy session with me at PodcastTalentCoach.com/coaching.


The most important part is deciding exactly what you want your audience to do. Then, make sure it is clear to those listening to the show. You should ask them to do only one thing. Don’t make the call-to-action confusing by asking them to do too many things.

If you want to create more engagement with your audience, define what you would like them to do. Be specific, make it easy and ask them to take action.

Don’t let one of the questions hold you back. If you get stuck on one or two, skip it and move to the next. The more questions you answer, the stronger your content will be.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.

Start Now – PTC266


What does success look like for you over the next 12 months? Have you broken your goals down to specific steps? Start to take steps toward reaching your goals.

Now, this episode isn’t all about setting goals. We are not going to talk about SMART goals and the five goal-setting steps. You know your goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time bound. It is also wise to write them down and create an action plan. You can find that information anywhere.


What I want to talk about today are the specific actions you can start to take that will get you to your goals.

I was in a coaching session with my business coach the other day. We were talking about where I want the business to go. We were discussing my goals for the next year.

As we talked about my goals for 2020, I realized I don’t need as many coaching clients as I thought. As we worked out the numbers and the structure of the business and what I can offer, I really only need a few great clients to reach my goals.

I can continue to help as many podcasters as possible with my podcast and free worksheets. I can continue to offer my Dollars and Downloads course for those not yet ready for coaching. A few of the right clients will help me reach my goals for 2020.

At that point, my coach and I broke down the year in terms of the number of new clients I would need to find, how many products I would need to sell and what I would need to create to reach the goal.

Have you translated your financial goals into number of business transactions that would need to happen this year. You cannot possibly begin taking steps toward your financial goals without defining those steps.

My coach and I worked together to put the money on paper in terms of business action steps and clients.


When I was getting my MBA, we learned a lot about the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that drive businesses. There are a few indicators that will help you determine exactly what will drive your business.

A KPI is defined as a quantifiable measure used to evaluate the success of an organization, employee, etc. in meeting objectives for performance.

They are the quantifiable, outcome-based statements you’ll use to measure if you’re on track to meet your goals or objectives.

KPIs are not the overall goal of earning a specific amount of money. They are the steps you can control to help you reach those goals.

For instance, I know that 2 out of every 3 people I help during a free podcast strategy call will turn into a client. They recognize the value of the help I provide and they are at a point in their journey where coaching makes sense.

Therefore, if I know how many active clients I need each month, I can then determine how many free strategy calls I need to complete each month as well.

To gain strategy calls, I need to connect with people. If I can determine which actions attract strategy calls, I can then determine how much action I need to take.

Let’s say I average two strategy calls every time I am a guest on a podcast. I can then work back to figure out how many podcasts appearances I need to make in order to get hit my number.

Those are key performance indicators. It is all about taking the right action. Start using them to reach your goals.


My coach and I determined how many free strategy sessions I need to conduct to find the ideal clients that get the most benefit from my coaching.

Ideal clients are key. Not every podcaster is the right fit for my coaching. There are specific podcasters that can truly use my coaching to really improve their podcast and business.

There are some podcasters that benefit greatly from my coaching. They have a fantastic business helping their clients. They use their podcast to attract new clients and build their authority in the space.

On the other side, there are many podcasters I help with my free strategy session that are not a great fit for my coaching program. Those podcasters get a great deal of benefit from the session by defining their strategy and improving their show. Their show simply isn’t at the level where it can support coaching.

It is just fine that these podcasters aren’t ready. They will eventually be in a place where they are ready to start. We just work together to figure out where they are today.


That is the benefit of having a coach or accountability partner. An outside perspective can ask the questions you don’t see, because you are too close to the situation.

If you would like to see where you are, check out my free strategy session online at PodcastTalentCoach.com/coaching. You can get the details and schedule your free session right there.

You need to take time this week to not only set your goals, but truly define the areas that will really move the needle for you. Define the Key Performance Indicators that will move your podcast and business toward your goals.

Looking back at my process, the most productive week I ever had occurred when I was specific about the very next steps I needed to take. Then I put them in writing to help me start.

That week, I accomplished more than I had in the previous 2 months. It was all because I determined what actions would make a difference, I wrote them down, and then did the very next thing on the list. Focus and start.


As you develop your KPIs, you should have around six. That number will vary depending on the size and scope of your business.

There are four characteristics of every key performance indicator. The should be

  • Measurable
  • with a target
  • from a source
  • and a reporting frequency

Your KPI must be able to be measured. “Be better at returning calls” isn’t specifically measurable. 10 clients is measurable.

It should have a target. 10 calls each week has a target with respect to number and time.

A good KPI has a source. You know exactly where they data will come from and how it is measure. “Connect with 10 clients each week” doesn’t have a clear source. You don’t really know what that means.

When your KPI is “10 face-to-face meetings with clients each week”, you know exactly how to measure that KPI. You know the source of the data.

Finally, you need a reporting frequency. It does you no good to set a KPI if you don’t plan to review your progress on a weekly or monthly basis. Inspect what you expect.


There are various examples of strong KPIs.

With regard to sales, you might measure the number of qualified leads in your sales funnel.

A customer KPI could be the number of clients that renew each month.

Marketing KPIs could be monthly website visits or Facebook posts each week.

You need to track these KPIs over months. As you start, these will adjust quite a bit. You won’t know what has impact on the results until you track it.

I know that 2 out of every 3 calls result in a client, because I tracked it over time. The results of a few months gave me an indication of that cause and effect.

Take time to begin tracking your results. If you post a call-to-action on Facebook once a day, what does that do for your results? When you bump it up to twice a day, is there any effect on the results?

Determine what your next steps need to be. Then, start by working backwards.


Where do you want to be in five years? Define your long-term goals first.

Use the SMART method to get clear. You might consider creating realistic goals along with some stretch goals.

Five years is a long time. You can get a lot done in 1,825 days.

Many of us overestimate what we can do in one year, but underestimate what we can do in five. Think big.

How much do you want to be earning? What do you want your work life to look like? What does your family look like? How does your health look? Where are you in your spiritual walk?


Next, where do you want to be next year? Be clear on the goals and lay in some stretch goals.

If you want to make $24k over the next year, $2,000 a month could be realistic. Maybe $8,000 a month is possible if a few key things happen. That would take you to $100k next year. That would be a nice stretch goal.

Just like the saying says, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” It has been credited to Norman Vincent Peale. I’ve heard the great Les Brown say it. Regardless of where it originated, there is truth in it.

Shoot for your stretch goal. You may just outperform your realistic number.


Now, let’s break the yearly goal into four parts. What do you need to accomplish in each quarter of the next 12 months to get you to your yearly goal?

You eat an elephant one bite at a time. Break your yearly goal into quarterly milestones. Be clear and specific. “Get more clients” is not a goal. How many do you need. If you need 24 over the year, can you land 6 per quarter or one every other week?

As you break your goal into smaller steps, you will see if your goals are feasible with the tools and time you currently have. You may find that you need to add help or give up something in order to make the goals happen.


Next, we take the quarterly goals and break those into week-by-week goals. You have 13 weeks in the quarter. What needs to happen every week to make the goals a reality?

Be sure to build in some “catch up” time. Again, we overestimate what we can accomplish in a short time. The shorter the time, the more we miss the estimate. Build in time to catch up each week.


Now that you have your weekly goals, what are the things that need to be completed this week? Create the task list and start.


Take a look at this week. What are your objectives today? What is the next most important step? Start there.


Review each step of the way. Are your goals realistic? Can you really put in that much time everyday, every week and every month to make your goals happen?

Review your KPIs on a regular basis and adjust where needed. Make sure the key performance indicators are truly indicators. If you adjust them, ensure there is an effect on your results.


Finally, stick with it. Focus. The only way you will achieve your goals is with consistent action. Take steps forward every day.

To help you take those steps, find an accountability partner. Maybe join a mastermind. Hire a coach. Enlist a partner. Whatever it takes to keep you moving forward toward your goals.

Setting goals and writing them down won’t be enough. Focused action on the next step is the key to making your goals a reality. Start and then stay accountable to action.

I’d love to help you. Check out my Free Strategy Session where you and I will sit down for 30 minutes to lay out an action plan for your show and business. Get the details at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/coaching.

Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.