Many new podcasters getting into the space do not realize the amount of work it takes to create a show on a regular basis. A 30-minute episode doesn’t necessarily mean 30 minutes of work. So, how much work is podcasting?
Recently, I was contacted by a podcaster for coaching. He wanted help refining his podcast process. He was spending eight hours every week producing his show. This was a podcast that was 45- to 60-min long.
We started working through his work flow. We found that he was being more meticulous than he needed to be. He was spending a lot of time on things that didn’t move the needed.
As we talked about his process, we broke it down step-by-step. There were a few things we eliminated to streamline the process and save time. We were able to take the production time from 8 hours to 2.5 to 3 hours each week.
Podcasting takes a lot of effort. Be prepared to do a lot of work to create a powerful, consistent show.
Develop a process you can follow on a regular basis. You need to use a schedule and be consistent.
Start slow. If you publish one show a week and realize you have more to say, increase your output. You can always go from 1 episode to 2 episodes a week.
Don’t start with a daily show. You will find it difficult to keep up. Your show will fade away.
Start slow to figure out who you are, what you’re doing and where you’re going.
Let’s take a look at everything it takes to create a podcast each week. Then, we’ll figure out how to trim down the time it takes.
If you would like help walking through each worksheet, use the Podcast Talent Coach Workbook HERE. This book will take you step-by-step through each worksheet explaining each part of the process in great detail.
Would you like one-on-one help? Let’s do it together. You can have me take you through the process with my personal coaching. You can find those coaching details HERE.
Imagine how much work you can save with a little help. Let’s talk.
Do you need help with your podcast? E-mail me any time at Let’s see what we can do.
Have you ever struggled with your confidence to launch or record an episode of your podcast? Have you worried that you were just pretending to know what you’re doing? That someone might find out that you didn’t really belong amongst the podcast professionals? That’s the Impostor Syndrome creeping in.
I’ve been there. I was at that point when I started in broadcasting. I continue to fight it today.
Proper preparation will help you feel more confident in your content. You can find a free show prep sheet online at This will help you set a solid foundation.
I learned the value of preparation by fighting my own battle against the Impostor Syndrome.
Impostor Syndrome is defined as a concept describing high-achieving individuals who are marked by an inability to internalize their accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. Despite external evidence of their competence, those exhibiting the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved.
While in college getting my degree in architecture, I became a party DJ to make some extra cash. Music had always been a big part of my life. I had been a musician since I was 11. However, I had wanted to be an architect since 6th grade. Getting my architecture degree was never in question.
Around my junior year of architecture school, I started becoming disenchanted with the field. It was then that I picked up a part time summer job at a radio station where my brother worked. Just to make some extra cash. The drafting firm where I had been working recently closed its doors as the owner went to work for a larger, manufacturing company.
As my passion for architecture waned, my passion for radio grew. Next thing you know, I’m taking classes in the College of Journalism and becoming the music director of the college radio station.
My music director position at the college station turned into another part time commercial radio job. That position eventually became full time.
Architecture was still part of my life. I was nearly done with my degree and didn’t want to throw it all away at that point. So, I finished my degree in architecture and continued to work in radio. Oddly enough, my only architecture job came at that drafting firm while I was still in high school.
When I began in radio, the impostor syndrome heavily kicked in. I had an architecture background. What right did I have to be on the radio?
Who was I to think I was in a position to be amongst these radio guys who had been doing it for many, many years and had paid their dues.
When I would interview famous musicians, the Impostor Syndrome would really fire up. I’m just a kid out of college with an architecture degree faking my way through radio.
I felt like I was playing dress up and pretending to be one of them. It took me years to get over that and build the confidence to perform on a daily basis.
After doing it for over 25 years, I got to the point where I was programming multiple radio stations at the same time. Some of those station were recognized with national awards from the National Association of Broadcasters.
The stations I was programming ranked #1 quite often. My own show was regularly #1. I built the confidence within myself to deliver content that was compelling and connected with my audience.
When I launched my podcast, I quickly went back to the beginning. The imposter syndrome kicked in again.
Who was I to think I could build a successful podcast amongst these greats that had been doing it for years? Dave Jackson at the School of Podcasting has been podcasting since 2005. I’m just starting. How can I possibly think I belong in the same arena as Dave?
Then, I started thinking about my story. I had been here before. My knowledge and experience sets me apart from a lot of podcasters. Even podcasters who had been producing content for years. That helped me shake the impostor syndrome and publish my content.
Recently, I ran into that little voice again. I was in a discussion with my mastermind about the next step we each needed to take to move forward. What was the “next thing”?
As we were talking it through, I finally came to the conclusion that the voice was holding me back. What if I put all this work into creating a course or book or workshop and nobody came? The group helped me once again recognize my experience and knowledge.
An episode of “DailyVee” with Gary Vaynerchuk today did the same thing for me. Gary said, “Going 0-for-5 is better than going 0-for-0. At least you’re learning something.” That made total sense to me.
Ignore the voice and move forward. Regardless of the outcome, you’ll learn something and be able to do it better next time.
That’s what I want to help you do. I want to be that cheerleader for you if you don’t have the history that I have to overcome that little voice inside your head doubting your ability. You can do it. You belong. You have just as much authority on your opinion as anyone. Let’s get it out to the world.
It is fairly simple to set up a mic, mixer and laptop. Heck, you don’t even need a mixer. Plug straight into your computer.
Load up some software and record some audio. Setting up a website with WordPress, creating a Libsyn account and posting a show isn’t very complicated.
Even if you are not very technically savvy, there are great people like Dave Jackson and the School of Podcasting that can help you with every step along the way. He even has a great step-by-step checklist. You’ll have a podcast launched in a few weeks.
Creating the platform is only the first step. Creating great content is up to you. Your content isn’t something you can outsource. You need to find the confidence to put your thoughts and feelings out into the world.
How do I suggest you bootstrap to begin? Make it simple. Get an inexpensive microphone, like a $60 ATR-2100. Plug directly into your computer with the USB cable. If you’re adventuresome, pick up an inexpensive mixer like a $99 Yamaha 4-channel. I just purchase an 8-channel mixer at a pawn shop for $65.
Get a free WordPress site. Create a Libsyn account for $15 a month. You’ll need a computer and some free Audacity software. If you already have a laptop, you’re up and running for under $100. Again, Dave Jackson has a whole list of recommendations for you at I leave the technical stuff up to him.
So, how do you define your niche? Will anybody really care?
It is easy for the impostor syndrome to sneak in here. Your internal impostor will tell you nobody cares about that topic. Your niche is too small and nobody will come. You’ll be talking to yourself.
Fight it. Your niche size doesn’t matter as much as the passion of the niche community. If you have a group of people that you are passionate about, and they are loyal to a particular subject, run with it.
The more narrowly you target your niche the better. If you are interested in fishing, pick a small niche. If you love fly fishing, but create your show around fishing in general, you will find it tough to build loyalty. If your show is only on fly fishing, you will primarily attract those interested in fly fishing. The niche is smaller than fishing in general. However, every show will be of interest to your audience.
If your show is “the Fishing Show” and all about fishing, you’ll be hit and miss. One week you talk about fly fishing. The next week you discuss deep sea fishing. Now, your fly fisher friends only get what they seek on occasion. You aren’t catering specifically to them. People will only check our your show now and then. You will find it difficult to build a passionate tribe.
The audience for “The Fishing Show” looks like a bigger audience than “The Fly Fishing Show”. But, it is deceiving. The passion lies in the niche.
Be confident in your topic. You will start slowly. But, it will grow. Stay the course.
How do you get ready? How do you overcome the pre-launch jitters?
Planning your podcast will help relieve a bit of the anxiety. If you know where you’re going, you can stay focused on the goal and fight through the self doubt. Plan your show before you begin.
Let’s discuss the 5 Speech class basics and how they pertain to your show.
1. Lead with a provocative point – capture their attention right at the beginning.
2. Dazzle with details – make the story come to life.
3. Take the first exit – Get out when you have the first opportunity.
4. Don’t repeat yourself and overstay your welcome – In talk radio, it’s called the call circle.
5. Include a call to action – this is the whole reason you’re doing a podcast and creating a tribe.
Have confidence in your content. Fight the impostor syndrome. Do all you can to push forward and get your content out.
When you plan your show, it makes it easier to stay focused on the goal. Know what you hope to communicate on this episode. Lay out how you plan to communicate that information. Then, define your intro, details and exit. Define your call-to-action and determine where you plan to incorporate it into the show.
Now, all you need to do is record the show and post it for the world to hear. The more work you do ahead of recording, the easier it is to believe in yourself while the show is rolling. Remember, the main reason you are podcasting is because it is fun. Enjoy the process.
This week, plan your show.
Determine the topics for the show.
Lay out your intro, details and conclusion for each topic.
How To Take The Headache Out Of Show Planning – Episode 073
Where is your podcast going in 2015?
If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know if you get there.
So many shows discuss goals around this time of year. It is only natural with a new year comes reflection. This is a perfect time to assess your previous year and decide what you want the next twelve months to look like.
A goal is a simply a dream with a deadline. What are you dreams for the next year? If you don’t have a map & destination, you’ll only wander. You’ll never get anywhere. Let’s be specific and set some deadlines.
You and I discuss goals quite often. We talk about having an objective for each episode. What is it that you want your listener to take away from each episode. Once you answer that questions, you will know where to take your content in that episode.
We also need to answer that question on a larger scale. What is the purpose of your show? How are you helping people? How do you serve your listeners?
Once you create the mission for your show, you will have a filter for all of your content. When it comes time to plan an episode, you can ask yourself, “How will I serve my listener this week?”
My show is designed to give you more confidence in your content. I want to help you defeat that little voice in your head that is saying, “I hope I don’t make a fool of myself this week.”
Each week when I sit down to create my show notes, I ask myself how I might share with you a bit that I have learned over the past 25 years in radio that will give you confidence in your content and be more engaging with your listener.
Let’s start with the mission of your show. Write down the sole focus of your show. How do you help people?
2015 GOAL
What is the one big thing you want to accomplish over the next year? We want to develop little steps to get there. Let’s break the big goal into bite-sized pieces.
If you create a weekly show, you only have 52 shows over the next 12 months. It may sound like a lot. However, you need to be intentional to reach your goals.
Break your goal into milestones. Keep in mind that your progress might not be a straight line. It may ramp up like a curve. Write down those milestones.
As we develop each episode, what do we hope to accomplish in each show that will help us move toward our 2015 goal? More importantly, how will that episode goal help us get closer to our milestone on the way to the yearly goal?
Each episode should have a strong call-to-action that helps us get closer to our milestone. What is your call-to-action within your podcast? How can we make that call-to-action more effective? Where are you sending your listener each episode to get more info? Be specific and write it down.
Are you effectively planning each show before you begin? Sometimes it is difficult to get motivated to record your show on a regular basis. Plan ahead. Download the planning worksheet at When you lack motivation, revert to the plan you’ve already created.
Do you interview guests on your show? Create a list of guests you’d like to get on the show. Be brave and reach out to those people. Let’s get them on the show. Give yourself a goal with a deadline. Let one guest lead to another. Always ask for leads.
To improve, you need to review the game tape. Are you reviewing your show on a regular basis?
All great sports teams review tape of previous games. You should do the same. Again, get the worksheet at Finding someone that can help you honestly review your show will help as well.
You should step back from your podcast to look at your overall business. If you are monetizing your podcast, we need to schedule time to help reach that goal as well. Baby steps and milestones.
There are many business possibilities stemming from your podcast. These could include books, speaking engagements, seminars, affiliates, products and more. If you have yet to monetize your podcast, schedule your time to create something powerful. Be sure to include deadlines.
The next year can be huge for you if you plan. Set deadlines to turn your dreams into goals. Be sure to find balance in all areas of your life.
Take some chances. Go for the big interview or launch a product. Dream big. You might just reach your dreams.
I want to thank you for a fantastic 2014. It has been quite a success for me.
I have met many amazing podcasters. You have given me your time each week as we grow together. I can’t thank you enough for that.
Podcast Movement invited me to share my knowledge at their event in Dallas. This coming year, I will present at New Media Expo as well.
Many have downloaded my worksheets and purchased the Podcast Talent Coach workbook. It has been a blast. I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you for being part of this journey.
Have an amazing 2015.
What would you like me to cover in the upcoming year? How can I better help you? E-mail me at
You can find my podcast and other tools to help you create great content at Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.
Let’s turn your information into engaging entertainment.